Are Trials a Blessing or a Curse?

I Hate Being Sick

Earlier this year I went to the doctor and found out that I had strep throat. I started feeling weak while teaching classes and had an itchy throat. I personally thought it was allergies as I had those a couple of weeks ago. After burning up and not sleeping well, I decided to go to the doctor. I figured I had strep based on how my throat was, so I thought the earlier the better to get some antibiotics.

This was the sickest I've been in a long time and it happened to be during final presentations and papers for my master's degree. Oh, and we were still finishing up a remodeling project in our house that had taken hours to do (we had done the majority of the work). In other words, at that time the house was a mess and when the house is a mess the wifey stress. Oh, and we had 3 kids 4 and under. Oh, and I had been serving as the Elders Quorum President in my local congregation.

Fast forward a couple of weeks and I got strep again! Two times in three weeks?! I haven't had strep before this for a long time (probably in high school). I got my tonsils removed when I was a toddler because of some of these very reasons. Yes, you may be thinking, "Dude, you didn't finish your antibiotics that's why you're sick again." Actually...I did. There's no reason why I would get strep again, right?

I remember going to the doctor and thinking, "There's no way I have strep again but it feels like it." The doctor said open my mouth and right when I opened my mouth...

"Yep, you've got strep buddy." I then proceeded to tell him I just had strep and was a good little boy and took all my antibiotics. He was surprised but says that it happens sometimes. He gave me a stronger antibiotic and I left hoping that this trial would be gone soon. As I was going through this at the same time as a lot of things I asked these questions: Why couldn't this have waited for a different time when things weren't so crazy? Are trials a blessing or a curse?

See How He Sees

God has been patient with me and taught me some important things. One of the things is this: 
¶ For my athoughts are not byour thoughts, neither are your cways my dways, saith the Lord.
For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my awaysbhigher than your ways, and my cthoughts than your thoughts. (Isaiah 55:8-9)
God is omnipresent, omnipotent, & omniscient. If I truly believe that then I can be assured that He knows what's best for me and He sees the "big picture".  Sometimes the only way we can see why we have a certain trial in life is after the fact and when we look back. One of the hardest things, like I've mentioned before in my blog is to let go and trust God; trust that He knows what's best for me.

I remember this past summer getting up earlier than everyone else at Bryce National Park and get to a spot where we could see the beautiful view without the crowds -- just my wife and I. We saw beauty.

Sometimes the beauty of trials can only be seen from higher ground. As we go through the effort and hassle to see, it's worth it. We don't regret getting up early and seeing that view -- it has created memories and that image won't leave my mind. Trials -- although hard to comprehend the why in the moment -- are understood better when we align to climb and climb to see how He sees.


I know I just had strep throat and a lot of people are worse off, but it's still frustrating to do a lot of things because of the sickness especially at a critical time. All I felt to do is lay in bed because I didn't have an appetite and didn't feel like doing much. I honestly felt worthless; like I can't do much. My wife is amazing and did an awesome job helping finish our floor with the remaining things that lacked. I have friends and family members who have had bouts with cancer and huge trials, and I'm sure they ask similar questions. Why? How much longer? What for?

Wow. I don't pretend to understand her trials, but wouldn't I ask some of those questions? As I watched that video,  another example of trials came to mind of Joseph Smith in Liberty Jail. Liberty Jail wasn't for the faint of heart. Those there with Joseph endured mocking, foul food, extreme cold, separation from family, etc. for about 4 months. Look at some of the questions Joseph asked while not only struggling himself in Liberty but hurting for the Saints who were enduring intense persecution:
  • "O God, where art thou?"
  • Where are you hiding?
  • "How long shall thy hand be stayed?"
  • "How long shall they suffer?"
  • Where is thy compassion? 
How could something so intense help an individual? Wouldn't it be nicer to not go through it? 

The Blessing(s) Come 

"My son, peace be unto thy soul; thine adversity and thine afflictions shall be but a small moment... If though endure it well, God shall exalt thee on high; thou shalt triumph over all thy foes. (D&C 121:7-8)
"...all these things shall give thee experience, and shall be for thy good. The Son of Man hath descended below them all. Art thou greater than he?" (D&C 122:7-8)

There are blessings awaiting me as I endure trials and sometimes those trials come because we live in a fallen world with sicknesses and living with other peoples' choices or my choices. 

Maybe the reason I got sick was for my wife to have more opportunities to serve me? Maybe it was to humble me? I don't know. But, I know that through the trials I have endured, I have become a better person. I would not be the person I am today without them. The Savior would not be the Redeemer and Savior without trials and we are all indebted to Him for doing the hardest thing ever on this earth.

I can picture myself complaining to my Savior with the trials I am going through and watching Him just smile and lovingly listen, "If only you understood." But, because He has went through the worst He can help me with my somewhat minor trials. Because He descended below it all, we can have someone that knows just how to help us because He's been there. I know He lives. I know through His grace we can be strengthened beyond anything we can imagine. I thank Him for my trials that allow me to come closer to Him. 


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